Common Core State Standards
Math Practices Coaching Tool
Looking for a quick reference tool to jumpstart the mathematical conversations and thinking in your classroom? Weve got one! The Math Practices Coa...$12.95Learn More -
PV Decimal Tiles and Mats Class Set Value Pack = 30 students
Includes: 15 packs of 90 tiles 3 sets of 10 Double-Sided Place Value Mats For 30 students$190.95Learn More -
Singapore Math Bundle (Grades K-6) (2015)
Three stellar resources, valued at $71, for one low price. Youll receive Step-by-Step Model Drawing, Math Play, and Why Before How.$63.75Learn More -
Use Your Math Power: Hatching Butterflies
(K-2) Nancy Belkov Illustrations by Dana Regan Every year Ms. Greens class hatched butterflies from caterpillars. This year they worked on a butte...$7.95Learn More -
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Use Your Math Power: Penguins on Parade
(K-2) Nancy Belkov Illustrations by Dana Regan Trevor knew a lot of math. But one day, Ms. Green asked a math question he had never heard before...$7.95Learn More -
Use Your Math Power Series
(K-2) To succeed in math today, students need to make sense of unfamiliar problems and communicate their thinking as they work toward solutions. Te...$21.95Learn More -
Core Concepts: Introducing Number Bonds
(K-2) This strategy-rich quick reference provides the why and the how through research-based instructional strategies that can be implemented immed...$2.95 As low as: $2.59Learn More -
Math Play
40 Engaging Games for the Differentiated Classroom (K-5) by Eliza Sorte-Thomas Math games offer a fun and effective way for students to practic...Starting at: $15.95
Common Core Math in Action
Making the Standards Manageable, Meaningful & Fun (3-5) by Catherine Jones Kuhns & Marrie Lasater Race cars! Hamster golf! Magic seeds!...Starting at: $23.95